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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Random Ramble

Ello!  Hope everyone is doing lovely.  Most of you are covered in snow and I am glad that's not me ha!  Sorry, not sorry.  Today was 64 degrees and beautiful.  I am so ready (though my body, not quiet) for Spring.  Ben is 11 weeks old and so adorable, if I do say so myself.  Currently, he sleeps through the night 6 out of 7 nights a week.  I am now starting to get used to and not totally freaking out when I realize it's 0700 and he hasn't cried.
  We're coming up on the end of my hubby's class, which means we get our daddy back for a few weeks!  He works so hard so I am glad he will get a break, but even more happy that our boys will have their daddy to wrestle with, hold, tuck in, do prayers with, eat meals, etc.  We're so proud of him and so thankful when he can be here!

Oscars!!!  Oh man, one of my favorite award shows.  3 things:
1. Dakota Johnson and her mom's awkward red carpet moment....funny, but also makes me want to be a interviewer (is that what they're called?)
2. I love Neil Patrick Harris
3. I want to meet Meryl Strep so bad

This award show makes me even more excited about exploring taking acting classes and reminds me of all the movies I will be renting as they come out.  I cannot wait to rent: Wild, Still Alice, Into the Woods, Birdman, Boyhood, Foxcatcher, and so many more.... Thanks kids ha.

Side note:  After doing piyo for a couple weeks, T25 for a couple weeks (both I LOVE, but aren't going to help MY body lose the baby weight) I have started Couch25K and lifting!  One week down (3 days a week) and loving how I feel. I  am losing so many inches, pounds...not so much and feeling good about myself again.  I know there is an end in sight (hopefully before summer comes).  I am pumped to see Jamie Eason's new 9 week postpartum debut program tomorrow!  Life is grand over here and hope everyone else is doing great!  I am going to try to write a little more, but in all honesty I need to start doing video blogs (I'm way funnier and more entertaining in person).  I think I may invest in a go pro and a youtube channel :)  Look out!

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