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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Yummy New Dinner Idea

It's been a few days since I've written anything (obviously). I wanted to start off by sharing this amazeballs recipe I found on pinterest last night!  It's a hit in this house. Dave loved it so much he was literally eating the sauce...just sauce from the pan. If I knew this other blogger, I'd personally thank her!  Here is it:

You will not be disappointed.

Weekend was good.  With the hurricanes moving around us, the beaches are a  little choppy here.  We had a great time at Bellows AFB beach.  We found a camping spot to try out.  Now, we just need to buy a tent.

Excited to start prepping for the Marine Corps ball!  We're getting dates for everything now and it's always exciting.  Being back in an infantry unit , as a wife, you know that the training days are always leading to the deployments, but I am loving life over here.  Dave is able to come home for lunch sometimes and he is home at a decent hour pretty much every night.  The people he works with are great, so he is happy.  Loving the family time so much!

Being silly with D.  I was laughing so hard my eyes were watering.
Waiting to hear back from Head Start.  In the mean time, I am trying to expand my Advocare business to help others, but to be able to have enough money to place D in a preschool program here. He's so smart and social, it would benefit him.  Excited to start out in a new area, meeting, and helping new people.

Brings me to my next point.  I am feeling the drive to go back to school. I think I want to be a massage therapist, but for a spine & rehab clinic.  I have been attending Oahu Spine & Rehab out here and I am in love.  Today, was the first time in 8 months I got out of bed and wasn't in pain.  I almost cried because I thought it would never heal.  I think the trigger point injections & KT tape are making a HUGE DIFFERENCE.  I love the trigger point massage and the STEM too!  I feel super blessed to be able to go to this amazing facility.  Going to look into schools around here and scholarships.  Pray on it a little bit and see what happens.

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